hi there guys,
its me again now from stockholm in sweden, first of all i have to say that ALL of you have to visit kopenhagen !!!! and i mean all of you, ive had like the best time i could imagine there. First of all there were 5 really nice swediash guys in the same bedroom (dorm) where i slept, thanks for the beer guys !. second of all i wanna say hello to SOPHIA and ANTONIA two really nice girls from germany who i met in the hostel later on after some vodka action happened we started to get interested into the kopenhagen night life. After 1 hour of looking for a bar to stay in we found i loud little rockbar where we had some nice christmas brew... quite good stuff. Later on we split with the swedish guys and went on trying to find a club where we could dance... . It took us quite a time to actually find one but all of a sudden there was this bunch of ppl from kopenhagen and they just group up with us and lead the way to some absolutely amazing Drum & Bass club. Hi there Stig and Ruben and all the others Thanks for that night ill keep that in mind for a long time i hope. After I got to the hostel again it was 5.25 am my train left at 6.23 so there was no more time for a nap .... bad thing since i was drunk and smelled like a ... dog ... but anyways i didnt miss the train which was my greatest fear that time... thanks to my guardian angel !
So on i went to stockholm which is a blast. Ive having a great time with DAN a guy from south africa thanks for the music buddy !!! to explain it weas like a acoustic sdession in the hostel and of course i have to mention that hes like the ultimate PASTA cook .... no for real hes like 1337 in doing pasta i dont need to taste i know from just watching ... ! Im sorry i cant6 iupload photos from here but when i get to helsinki i maybe find a better place to get an internet access so...
thats everything for now thanks for joining this blog
Hallo ihr da in deutschland.... Schaut euch kopenhagen an !wahnsinn! ich hatte ne mega gute zeit da einfach sehr sehr sehr viele nette leute die ich kennengelernt habe und es scheint nicht aufzuhören denn ich stockholm ist da doch glatt dieser typ aus Suedafrika Dan mein nebensitzer waehrend ich das hier verfasse :) in stockholm ist alles ziemlich cool und prunkvoll also ich meine wirklich prunkvoll, winter ist leider einfach die falsche jahreszeit um diese stadt zu betrachten aber egal wenn ich ein anderes i net cafe finde in helsinki morgen dann werdet ihr auch zeuge meiner fotos die ganz nett geworden sind :) und vor allem könnt ihr dann die leute mal anschauen die mir meine reise so total versuessen.
euer heiko
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